Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Smarter than you think?

For as long as I can remember, I have been passionate about encouraging people to chase their goals, to commit to their dream and really aim at achieving it. Whether it’s on the sporting field, in a career, as a parent – whatever it is – I love to see people’s hard work pay off. I love it when the dream that has been chased, for so many months, years or decades gradually loses its fuzziness and sneaks into the clarity of reality and is no longer just a dream that is being longed for, but a realistic expectation. It’s inspiring, encouraging, and it offers hope to others watching, who have their own goals they want to achieve.
My interest in this area has not only allowed me to see the fruits of hard work finally begin to appear, but it has allowed me to see the struggles that need to be overcome in order to reach the goal; self doubt, fear, stress and the desire to quit because the dream seems to have temporarily slipped from the status of a dream to an impossibility.
 One of the biggest stumbling blocks I have noticed in so many peoples minds is their lack of belief in their potential capabilities due to what they believe is a lack of intelligence; People doubting their ability to achieve based on the fact they just don’t feel ‘smart’ enough – whatever that means -  to know how to get from their current location to the destination of their dream. The belief that if they had just got a better education, or better grades then they could have been successful, but since they didn’t, the chance at succeeding is gone.
From the day we begin school, we are assessed, analysed, judged not only in the playground by other students, but in the classroom. When the teachers mark our work, our ‘intelligence’ begins to become more clear based on the accuracy of our answers in the classroom. Ticks represent intelligence, whereas crosses signal that we may be struggling in that certain area. Kids who ‘aren’t smart’ get more of the crosses. As we get a little older people become aware of the ‘smart’ and ‘dumb’ kids, and tease them both because of it. The smart of course being the kids who continually submit work returning with ticks rather than crosses. The same system for assessing student’s work is used continually throughout their school lives. Eventually they are given score which highlights how intelligent they were with ‘their powers combined’ across all areas of study in year twelve.
Though each and every subject in school does require intelligence, or understanding it’s sad to see so many people who submitted work with more crosses than ticks in the subjects that the school system offers, believe that because they were not as successful as others in those areas, that their chance of success in the outside world is limited. They start to believe that because their grades at school weren’t great, they are unable to excel in another field in the outside world.
Consider this;
Henry Ford, the founder of Ford Motor Company was born into poverty he never actually even attended school. As one of the richest men that had ever lived, his success in his particular field indicates a certain level of intelligence. Maybe not the intelligence we measure in schools, university or even in the workplace, but intelligence none the less.
Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Brand dropped out of school at age 16 to chase his own business dreams. The billionaire now is well known around the world for his business success
Is it possible, that we have generalised what intelligence actually entails? It just doesn’t seem right that we so casually label peoples intelligence based on their ability to complete a sum, spell a word or remember trivia. Though this is a small spectrum of what intelligence is, it cannot reveal the extent of a persons overall intelligence - surely. It seems so narrow minded to label someone ‘intelligent’ based on an enter score or mark on an assignment – they maybe be talented in the field they were judged on –but that doesn’t automatically make them smarter than a person whose talented in another area.
We all have talents. We all have dreams.
Regardless of what you have been told by your teacher,
Regardless of what you have been told by your friends,
Regardless of how many people may laugh at your lack of understanding of a certain sum or word,
Remember that just because you may not have performed well in the subjects offered at school does not mean you lack the ability to achieve in your career. There are so many other skills that go towards being successful,
The ability to communicate,
The ability to believe,
The ability to be different, think different,
The ability to persist,
The ability to remain hopefully when everyone else have lost hope
Do not let what you have been told about your level of intelligence manipulate or downgrade the vision you have for your future. Just because a talent was not there for a certain field, by no means says it’s not there in another.
We can all be an expert in chosen field.
It may just take time to find it.
You’re smarter than you think.
Just a thought.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

A big decision - Am I sure I'm ready?

Blogging is not something that in the past, I have ever really been interested in. It wasn't long ago when the idea of expressing a thought or a view over the internet would be a drag to me. Certainly not something I would choose to do. Obviously there has been a change in the way I view 'blogging' or 'expressing ideas' that has encouraged me to be writing this up right now.

What has changed? Well - a number of things in my life over the past few months have changed.  A number of things that have not only caused a lot of excitement, but also a lot of intrigue. With that being said, I thought now is as good a time as any to give you a look into the mindset of a pretty simple 23 year old bloke. To kickstart my first blog, I thought I would let you in on the mindset behind one of the biggest decisions I have made in my life up until now, and one thing that has inspired me to 'share through blog' - Choosing my life partner.

That's right - As my friends you probably know. I'm getting married.

People have been asking me things like, Why now? How do you know she's the right one? Are you sure you're not too young? I hope you're making the right decision! - Let me give you a run down on where I'm at. This is how it goes.

Roughly 50% of marriages that are performed in Australia today end in divorce. It would be arrogant of me to comment too much on the hows and whys of what causes such a poor success rates when it comes to lasting marriages. Let alone happy marriages. However one thing I have learnt over the past 2 and half years is the fact that too many people in our society tend to rely on those 'feelings of love' the initial excitement of meeting 'the perfect person' to keep a relationship alive. These initial feelings of excitement towards another person we label as 'love'. But once we start to spend more time with that one person, we start to realise that they, just like us have imperfections. Things that annoy us. Things that frustrate us. Unfortunately, those same things change our 'feelings of love' to 'feelings of frustration'. The intial thoughts of, 'they're so perfect' change to 'they have so much wrong with them!'.

I strongly beleive that it's a natural progression in any relationship to begin to notice things about our 'chosen one' that frustrate us. But does that mean that has to be the end of what could potentially be an amazing relationship. Let me offer a thought - Perhaps the intial feelings of exitement towards a person is not love at all. It may be infatuation. But not love. Maybe love does not begin until we have to put our own desires and wants aside, despite the difficulty, for the benefit of the one we're with. If that is the case, then what I am saying is love is not a feeling, it's a choice.

One of the most famous verses in the Bible that is read at almost every wedding puts it this way.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 - Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast. It is not proud. It is not rude, it's not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

There is no mention of feelings in that verse. Only decisions. Choices. Love is in our hands to mould into something beautiful, or break it.

This brings me to why I have chosen now to choose my life partner.

I'm in a relationship with a woman who (despite her amazingness), just like me, you and every other person out there has strengths and weaknesses. She has the qualities of someone I know I want to be with forever. But the fact is, I know that through our journey we will have highs and lows. We will have times when the sailing is smooth and other times when it is rough. When we 'feel love' and when we don't. But the fact is, regardless of what weather we endure together, we have both decided that we will CHOOSE to LOVE. Sure we know we will stumble sometimes. But we have both made a decision to, do the right thing by the other person despite what feelings we may have. I've noticed that once we choose to do right, those feelings of 'love' come rushing in anyway, even if sometimes they take longer to come than other times.

Love is not a feeling. But a choice.

With that knowledge, I am not afraid that my feelings of 'love' may disappear, or that I 'may have chosen the wrong person' - I have chosen to LOVE no matter what. Having that understanding lead me to making one of the biggest decisions I have ever made.

Choosing my life partner.

The fact is that whoever we are with, we will get the highs and lows.

But regardless of the heights we reaching or the depths we dive. We will choose to love.

Choose Love
